We are proud to announce that Chambers Europe 2018 (Corporate & Commercial practice area) has again ranked Doklestic & Partners LP as one of the leading firms in Serbia and noted that our team is known for advising international corporations and financial institutions on their investments in Serbia, as well as advising clients on M&A transactions. The review further states that our firm also handles commercial advisory work across numerous industry sectors such as pharmaceuticals, construction and real estate and possesses additional expertise in tax and competition matters related to transactional work.
To our great satisfaction the clients’ feedback says that the firm is “very well managed and they understand the priority and importance of cases, providing a high level of service with a good understanding of the clients’ needs and expectations”. Another source says that “The firm is experienced, practical and solution-oriented. They have respect for the other side in deals which makes discussions and negotiations much more productive, and they also have an amazing ability to find practical solutions for all challenges that arise in the course of an M&A transaction.”
In addition, D&P’s managing partner Dr Slobodan Doklestic has again been ranked by Chambers Europe 2018 as one of the leading practitioners in Serbia in the field of Corporate & Commercial law, as well as in the field of Employment & Labor law.
We are thankful for the exciting and rewarding clients’ feedback reconfirming our outstanding market reputation.