
We are pleased to announce that we have now launched an iOS version of our trademark Merger Control App.

To access the iOS app, designed for iPhone and iPad, please look for “Merger Control in the Balkans” in your App Store or click here. The app is free.

With the app, you can check whether your transaction triggers a merger filing obligation in the Western Balkans – in just a few clicks. It covers Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, and Albania.

The app also includes a no-nonsense guide to merger control in each of these jurisdictions.

The iOS app is built on the web version which has already been available on our website. If you would like to access the app from your computer or an Android device, you can do so here.


Dr. Dragan Gajin

Dr. Dragan Gajin


  • Competition/Antitrust
  • Corporate, Commercial, M&A
  • Contract Law
  • State Aid
  • Private Enforcement

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