
We are pleased to announce that Doklestic Repic & Gajin law firm has joined the Serbian Corporate Compliance Association.

The Association is a non-profit and independent professional association, founded in in Belgrade in 2018. It brings together companies and individuals, with the aim of developing and promoting business ethics, compliance and corporate culture as necessary prerequisites for a successful and sustainable development.

We are excited to participate in the Association’s initiatives and work alongside like-minded professionals to promote a culture of compliance and integrity in the business community.

Marko Repic, Senior Partner at Doklestic Repic & Gajin, will represent our firm in the Association and we look forward to contributing to its mission.


Marko Repic, LL.B.

Marko Repic, LL.B.


  • Corporate, Commercial, M&A
  • Real Estate & Construction
  • Labor & Employment
  • Litigation/Dispute Resolution

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